Saturday 4 January 2014

New Year, New Thoughts

The New Bike: Portobello, Edinburgh; Christmas Day 2013
A new year is always a good time to talk about resolutions – and as always, there are many things I wish I did differently.

One challenge I'd really like to set myself this year is to get this blog back on track. No matter that it remains unread (as far as I can tell) by anyone but myself. The very act of trying to express the incoherent buzz of random thoughts with a few structured sentences is a good discipline. It also doesn't matter that these thoughts are tipped back into the seething pool of the web; the process is more significant than the outcome.

So here I am, on the fourth day of the new year, re-staking my claim on this bit of blogspace in the hope that it will become more productive in 2014.

A major reason why this blog declined over the last year was that posting here and on Flickr became too time-consuming. I have to confess that I dislike my own voice – the sound of it and the way I  express my thoughts. I find it difficult to be satisfied, and would revise and rewrite my blogposts in an attempt to express my thoughts more exactly. Thus a fairly short post could take me the greater part of a day to write.

My resolution then is to be more contented with expressing my thoughts in rough outline and not to spend time labouring to refine my language. If I can do that in 2014, I'm sure that this tiny corner of the web that I call mine will be a far happier place to spend some time!

PS: Writing this has taken me about thirty minutes, based on a twenty minute scribbled outline earlier today.

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